Las Vegas Plastic Surgery By Dr. Jeffrey Roth Sochi Olympic Gold Medalist Waits At The Finish Line For 28 Minutes To Shake Hands With The Athlete Who Came In Last The Olympic Movement is supposed to be about competing at the highest level, but more importantly about determination and sportsmanship. Thankfully we were treated to…
Las Vegas Plastic Surgery By Dr. Jeffrey Roth Retail clinics are touted as being convenient and less expensive. They are positioning themselves to be part of the shift in healthcare delivery. However, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, these clinics do not provide children with the high-quality, regular preventive health care children need. In…
Las Vegas Plastic Surgery By Dr. Jeffrey Roth The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is investigating Cereform breast implants after a French Recall. Meanwhile, plastic surgeons are renewing a call for a device registry. Earlier this month, the French government recalled all unused Cereform breast implants made by Cereplas because the company was failing sterilization…
Las Vegas Plastic Surgery By Dr. Jeffrey Roth Qualifies for Sochi 2014 Olympic Team, Gives Up Spot to Twin Sister Tracy Barnes trained hard, for years, in the cold and snow in one of the most rigorous and least understood Olympic athletic events, the Biathlon. The Biathlon is adiabolical sport where the athlete cross country…