Las Vegas Plastic Surgery: Jeffrey J. Roth M.D. F.A.C.S.

Cost of Labiaplasty in Las Vegas, NV

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Asymmetrical, stretched, or overly large labia can be a significant source of discomfort and self-consciousness for women. Fortunately, labiaplasty, a surgical procedure for feminine rejuvenation, offers relief from pain and enhances sensation and pleasure. If you are wondering whether to take the plunge and invest in this empowering surgery, this blog post exploring labiaplasty cost…

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How the labiaplasty can help women feel more confident and comfortable

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Women who are dealing with discomfort during sexual intercourse, excess tissues around the clitoris, or a reduction in sexual stimulation may be worried that there is nothing they can do. Fortunately, plastic surgeons have been offering labiaplasty, or “vaginal rejuvenation,” for women who deal with these exact problems. In some cases, the labial tissue in…

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