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When women undergo breast augmentation surgery, they often don’t think about the need to have these implants removed at a later time. However, many women have breast implants placed but later decide to have them removed for various reasons.

If you’re becoming dissatisfied with your implants, it may help to know why others have chosen to have their breast implants removed. In this post, we’ll look at a few of the most common reasons.

Common Reasons for Breast Implant Removal

There are many different reasons why a woman may choose to have her breast implants removed or replaced:

  • Breast cancer diagnosis: Getting a diagnosis of breast cancer is scary. At this time, many women choose to have their implants removed and may have this procedure done in conjunction with removal of the cancer. Discussing this choice with an oncologist and a plastic surgeon is the best way to ensure the best results. Some women may still need to undergo cancer treatments, as encouraged by their oncologist.
  • Complications from the implants: Some women later experience complications from their implants and choose to have them removed. This may include the deflation or folding of saline implants, infection, leakage of silicone implants, implant rupture, tension band asymmetry, or capsular contracture. Others may be experiencing symptoms of breast implant illness (BII), asking, “Will I feel better after my implants are removed?” All of these may impact one’s desire to maintain the implants, and many women choose to remove them to eliminate the problem at hand.
  • Poor positioning or choice in size: After breast augmentation, women may be unhappy with the size and shape of their implants, especially if chosen by an inexperienced plastic surgeon. Additionally, women who have experienced weight gain or weight loss may also find that the implants have shifted out of their original position, impacting the shape and body contours of their breasts. In situations such as this, women may choose breast augmentation revision to remove their implants and replace them with a different size, repositioning them into a more natural appearance.

Discover why one woman chose to have her breast implants removed in the following KTNV ABC 13 video:

You can learn more about who is a good candidate for breast implant removal from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Considering Breast Implant Removal?

If you’re unhappy with your breast implants, Dr. Roth is here to help. To learn more about your breast implant removal options at our Las Vegas practice, please call us at (702) 450-0777 and or request a consultation using our online form.

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