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When unwanted fat remains on the midsection, even after attempts at improving diet and exercise, adult men and women may feel as though there is nothing they can do to enjoy a firmer midsection. Fortunately, with the continued advancements in medicine, patients can now target this unwanted fat and remove it along with excess skin. This allows for the achievement of a tighter tummy in a relatively short period of time. The procedure often recommended is a tummy tuck. During your consultation, we will explore if you are a good candidate for this popular procedure.

Understanding how the tummy tuck works

The tummy tuck procedure often involves a combination of treatments, including liposuction and skin removal. First, the doctor will liposuction out the unwanted fat in the abdominal area using a specialized cannula that suctions out the fat into an external canister for proper disposal. What remains is often excess skin. During the tummy tuck procedure, the excess skin is also removed and sutured to eliminate sagging skin that might be left behind after removal of substantial amounts of fat. The result is a firmer tummy ready for a day at the pool!

Before & After Tummy Tuck Case 35 View #1 View in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV
Before & After a Tummy Tuck
Before & After Tummy Tuck Case 35 View #2 View in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV
Before & After a Tummy Tuck
Before & After Tummy Tuck Case 35 View #3 View in Las Vegas and Henderson, NV
Before & After a Tummy Tuck

What can I expect for the recovery following a tummy tuck procedure?

As with any surgery, it is vital that patients follow the aftercare instructions they have received from their doctor. In doing so, they can reduce their risk of infection and other complications that might arise. Additionally, taking time off of work and social activities for a specific time period is often recommended as well. Patients will often have a limit as to how much they can lift and what they can participate in until they get the doctor’s okay. Follow-up appointments are needed to monitor the healing process and ensure patients are happy with the results they have achieved after any swelling and bruising have calmed.

Are you ready for a firmer tummy?

Contact our team at Dr. Jeffrey J. Roth Plastic Surgery by calling (702) 450-0777 to request a consultation visit in Las Vegas, NV. Our facility, located at 6140 South Fort Apache Road, Suite #100, is available for new and established patients interested in cosmetic plastic surgery solutions for the face and body.

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