A stylish woman in a bathing suit reclining on a chaise (model)

When planning a breast augmentation or breast lift with implants, your plastic surgeon will ask about your goals for the procedure, assess your anatomy, and recommend a breast implant size. Our Las Vegas patients often choose these procedures because they want a shapelier and fuller bust that looks natural and complements their figures. Others want much larger breasts that accentuate their upper body. The size of the implants plays a big part in achieving those goals. Breast augmentation doesn’t just increase breast size but can correct breast asymmetry, enhance the overall shape of the breasts, and increase breast projection.

Deciding on breast implant size is an essential step in your breast augmentation. Most women want their breast implants to look natural and proportionate. If you are petite, it’s better to pick smaller implants that will not overwhelm your frame or create back or shoulder pain from the weight of the implants. Taller women or those with a broader chest may opt for a larger implant as long as their frames can support the implants. RealSelf outlines some points to consider when choosing the size of your breast implants.

When deciding on your implant size, a board-certified plastic surgeon can guide you through the process and help you make the best choices for you. Your surgeon should take the time to answer your questions and ensure a comfortable and safe surgery experience. Take a look at the results we have achieved in this before and after gallery. If you are ready to transform your body with breast augmentation or a breast lift with implants, request a consultation with our Las Vegas breast implant surgeon or call us at  (702) 450-0777  to schedule an appointment.

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