Las Vegas Plastic Surgery
When most people think about plastic surgeons they immediately associate our work with movie stars and the most prominent cosmetic procedures in the news today. However, like any experienced physican, plastic surgeons are trained in a variety of surgical areas, including aesthetic, reconstructive, microvascular and hand surgery. As board certified physicans, plastic surgeons are often called upon to perform various procedures with a patient’s hands.
A very common hand related issue we see in the Emergency Room is traumatic injury from working in the garden. As a plastic surgeon in Las Vegas I have seen this type of problem become very serious in a very short period of time. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), emergency rooms treat more than 400,000 outdoor garden-tool-related accidents each year. With proper safety techniques, you can stay away from the hospital and avoid becoming a statistic.
Recently I came across an article on the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) website that gave several good reminders about working safely in the garden. I wanted to pass them on. Hopefully this will come just in time for harvest season.
Some of the recommendations include:
Wear gloves when working outside
Avoid prolonged repetitive motions
Watch for Buried Objects
Use the right tool for the job
Use proper ergonomic posture
Avoid products with form-fitting handles.
Following a hand injury or any other type of trauma while gardening you should visit an emergency room or a hand surgeon if:
Continuous pressure does not stop the bleeding after 15 minutes
You notice persistent numbness or tingling in the fingertip
You are unsure of your tetanus immunization status
You are unable to thoroughly cleanse the wound by rinsing with a mild soap and plenty of clean water.
I will stress that prevention is always the best way to go. Using the above points will help in keeping the gardener happy and injury free. Accidents do happen, so please if there is any question at all about your health do not hesitate to seek medical attention immediately!
Have a great harvest…
Jeffrey J. Roth, M.D., F.A.C.S.