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My Breast Implants Are Smarter Than Yours

Las Vegas Plastic Surgery


The next generation of breast implants may have smart chip technology embedded inside them.

The Motiva line of breast implants, (Establishment Labs, Zona Frana Coyol, Costa Rica), are slated to contain VeriTeQ’s microchip named “Q inside.” This heat resistant microchip will allow a manufacturer, physician, or patient to access a secure online database and retrieve implant-specific data. This data may include such items as; serial number, manufacturer name, date of manufacture, lot number, volume, size and possibly other data. This technology is designed to comply with the FDA’s proposed rule for unique device identification.

Currently breast implant data, as an implantable medical device, is placed in a registry. The implant itself has the manufacturer, lot number and size stamped on it.

It is unclear whether inclusion of the new technology will increase the cost of the implant. Some find this is an interesting development for the future as technology continues to progress at an increasing pace. The Motiva line of breast implants is not FDA approved for use in the United States, but is available in many other countries. It is also unclear if current manufacturers will commit to this technology and follow suit. It is assumed that they would comply if mandated by a regulatory body (i.e. the FDA).

Time will tell if the inclusion of this technology will be of benefit to the patient. Progress in medicine and technology is always being made. There is always something new, especially in plastic surgery.

Jeffrey J. Roth, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Las Vegas Plastic Surgery

(702) 450-0777 

Plastic Surgery Products
Establishment Labs

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